Title: TV and Movies Writer
Location: US National
Inverse has an immediate opening for a part-time TV & Movies writer. The ideal candidate has significant experience writing voicy, compelling stories about television and film. Specifically, we need someone who can write with style and authority on the genres of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and other alternative realities and also report on the people who create these worlds.
The ideal candidate is an expert in the worlds of Marvel, DC, Star Wars, and other popular franchises with the ability to put their own spin on a quick news hit and also dive deep into the lore that powers these universes. If you’re the type of person who’s always telling your friends what to watch on Netflix or HBO Max, you’ll fit in well.
To succeed in this role, you should be a passionate storyteller who’s excited to write about Inverse’s core entertainment franchises as part of a diverse, knowledgeable team of writers.