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Terms of Reference Logistics and Administrative Assistant -Consultant

Terms of Reference Logistics and Administrative Assistant -Consultant

Program Remote


USD16,800 – 20,000

Terms of Reference:Logistics and Administrative Assistant (Consultant)

Aboutthe Global Alliance of Territorial Communities (GATC)

The Global Alliance of Territorial Communities (GATC) is a political platform that brings together Indigenous Peoples and local communities with the aim of defending Mother Earth for the present and future benefit of all humanity. The GATC guarantees its legitimacy and representativeness through democratic processes, ranging from the community to the multinational level.

The Alliance represents 35 million people who live in forest territories in 24 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. These communities are defenders of more than 958 million hectares of land.

The GATC brings together various organizations, including the Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN), the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests (AMPB), the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB), the Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA) and the Network of Indigenous and Local Population for the Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystems in Central Africa (REPALEAC). These organizations make up a platform for coordination to make visible the difficulties of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, as well as to guarantee respect for their rights.

About the Position

The consultant will manage logistics for the Secretariat, theCo-Chairs and thecoreGATC delegation whenattending global events. He/she will also support the Program Coordinator andAdministrative Coordinator to prepare budgets and reports, as well as implement the GATCs annual work plan.

This person will report to the Programmes Coordinator, and work closely with the Administrative Coordinator.

This is a full time consultancy (approximately 40 hours per week) for a 8-month period with possible renewal depending on performance and available funding. This consultancy does not pay social benefits and/or taxes in the country of residence.

Main Tasks/Responsibilities

Travel& event logistics

  • Oversee the procurement of flights, hotel reservations,transportation,and logistics planning fortravel, meetings, and events by the Secretariat, Leadership Council, and Technical Team;
  • Work with member organizations and logistics partners to ensure the smooth execution of GATCs global meetings and events;
  • Communicate all information and details about the events to the Programmes Coordinator to ensure that required specifications are met;
  • Coordinate meetings whenever necessary to discuss event logistics;
  • Providing on-site logistics support to the Secretariat, for example: making reservations, printing materials, preparing meeting rooms, figuring out city transportation, etc.;
  • Work with the Programmes and Administrative Coordinators on expense reports for events, or update event budgets when necessary;
  • Support the administration and handling of per diems for event participants;
  • Coordinate and supervise the personnel required for the activities (suppliers, consultants, etc).


  • Determine the languages required for interpretation services based on the participants’ language preferences and the locations of the trips;
  • Hire orcontractprofessional interpreters proficient in the required languages and with expertise in the subject matter of the trips;
  • Support the coordination of interpreters’ schedules to ensure availability during the duration of the trips;
  • Arrange for interpretation equipment such as headsets, microphones, and booths if simultaneous interpretation is needed. Ensure that the equipment is properly set up and functioning before each trip;
  • Provide interpreters with detailed information about the trip, including the agenda, background materials and any specific terminology that may be used;
  • Develop contingency plans for situations such as interpreter unavailability, technical difficulties, or last-minute changes to the itinerary;
  • Maintain records of interpreter assignments, trip details, feedback from participants, and any incidents or challenges encountered during the trips;
  • Manage the budget allocated for interpretation services, including negotiating rates with interpreters, overseeing equipment rentals, and tracking expenses, along with the Administrative Coordinator.

General support

  • Support the ProgrammesCoordinator andAdministrative Coordinator to elaborate budgets, financial proposals and narrative reports;
  • Support the Programmes Coordinator and the Administrative Coordinators in the preparation of activity and expenditure reports, which will be presented to donors who have funded specific projects, as well as to the GATC Leadership Council;
  • Support the Administrative Coordinator to maintain the organization’s physical and digital files;
  • Other activities as directed by the Programmes Coordinator.


  • At least 2 years of experience leading global logistics and event planning;
  • Universitydegree(desirable), preferably in International Studies, Business Administration, Finance, or another related field;
  • Experience working with interpretation logistics is highly desirable;
  • Highly organized and able to manage multiple work streams;
  • Excellent writing skills, and ability to write reports;
  • Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) issues, as well as the national and international struggle for the recognition of their rights;
  • Experience working with social organizations, preferably indigenous or local community


  • Familiarity withremotework tools;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills;
  • Belonging to an IPLC a plus;
  • Prior knowledge of the GATC agenda is a plus.


  • English working proficiency is required;
  • Fluency in at leastoneadditional language (French, Portuguese, Spanish or Indonesian) is preferred.

Workplace Culture and Terms of theContract

  • Remoteconsultancy work, preferably based in one of the 24 countries in the regions which the GATC represents (Mesoamerica, Amazon Basin, Congo Basin, Brazil, Indonesia);
  • Be able to dedicate around 40 hours a week during the duration of the consultancycontract;
  • Flexibility to adapt to multiple time zones;
  • Availability totravelaround 60 days per year if requested;
  • Payment on the monthly basis after submitting the proper invoices. Rainforest Foundation US, a fiscal sponsor of the GATC, willcontractthe independent contractor;
  • The GATC will evaluate the work at the three-month mark;
  • The budget for the 8 monthcontractis betweenUSD16,800 – 20,000 depending on the economic proposal and professional experience of the successful candidate. There is a possibility of continuous yearly renewal pending availability of funds.