Title: Mango Live Coach for Portuguese (part-time)
Location: Anywhere
We are looking for enthusiastic and knowledgeable language instructors for Mango Live, our online live instruction program. In this telework contract position, you ll prepare personalized blended learning assignments and sessions using proprietary Mango Languages learning tools. You ll coach and assess groups or individual working professionals as well as their spouses and children. In your classes, you will use the communicative approach as well as proprietary methodologies and curricula to facilitate our online live instruction sessions.
This remote position allows you to connect from anywhere in the world and enjoy the flexibility to work at hours that suit you and your schedule. In this role, you will be part of a diverse team of coaches and administrators who are there to support you and exchange ideas. Regular feedback and ongoing training will help you grow as an individual and professional. You will build relationships and establish powerful connections with your students as you guide them and follow their progress.
As the ideal candidate, you are able to communicate clearly and effectively in both English and your native language. You are an experienced educator with a passion for learning and teaching language and culture.
Job requirements