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Philippines – Work from Home Customer Support

Location:  Philippines; 100% Remote; Freelance; Part-Time

🏡 Work from home

🚗 No hassles of commuting

📆 Schedule your own hours

🙌 Work when it’s convenient for you


🤙 Flexible work schedule options available

🗓️ Opportunity to create a work schedule that works best for you (up to 40 hours per week)

Earnings & Revenue:

💵 Contract earnings vary by client, with competitive rates ranging from $3-$4 per hour USD based on work performed.

Required Skills for Successful Freelancers:

💬 Good written and verbal communication skills

🧐 Strong attention to detail with problem-solving skills

🙌 Self-motivated, proactive, and resourceful

👩‍💻 Experience in using technology, including computer applications and software.


Technology & Equipment Requirements:

💻 Personal computer with a minimum of 8GB RAM (tablets and Chromebooks are not supported)

💨 High-speed wired internet with a minimum of 10 Mbps download speed for seamless connectivity

👾 Valid and up-to-date antivirus software installed

🤳Smart phone, Android tablet or iPad available to authenticate and login daily

💻 Windows 10 or Windows 11 operating system must be used (some clients will accept an AppleOS)

Work Environment Requirements:

🤫 Quiet, uninterrupted space

⌨️ Organized desk area

Contractual Relationship: The relationship between you and Omni Interactions is a contractual relationship. You will remain a freelancer for the duration of your client contract. Omni Interactions will not be responsible for withholding taxes on your earnings while freelancing with Omni Interactions. When you receive your contract, you will be asked to agree to have no claim against Omni Interactions hereunder or otherwise for vacation pay, sick leave, retirement benefits, Social Security/Government Taxes, worker’s compensation, health or disability benefits, overtime, unemployment insurance benefits or employee benefits of any kind.

We are open to partnering with freelancers in all locations around the Philippines. If you want to work remotely from home, apply today!