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Childcare Coordinator

Childcare Coordinator

  • Worldwide
  • Remote OK
  • Full-Time
  • Marketplace


Childcare Coordinators (CC’s) are a critical piece of the Marketplace in that they are the first person a parent will communicate to from WeeCare. As part of the Parent Sales Team, Childcare Coordinators uphold our WeeCare core values in everything that they do. CC’s assist parents along their journey to find the best childcare for their unique needs by following a specific process designed to match, tour, and enroll the family to the best option in their area. During this process, our CC’s are not only working alongside their assigned families to help them find care, but also bubbling up feedback and learnings to the WeeCare team about how the parent experience is going.
Responsible for:

Calls & Messages

  • Inbound calls from parents
  • Outbound calls to follow up with parents and providers
  • Responding to parents and providers alike in a friendly over formal tone
  • Answering any questions directly and setting clear expectations about the process
  • Clearing all Admin Inbox Messages in a timely manner, i.e. no unread messages by the end of the business day.

Sales Pipeline

  • Navigating our internal Admin tooling
  • Working in priority order through the stages of the sales pipeline
  • Identifying opportunities to find hot parent leads – parents who need childcare urgently – at any stage of the pipeline and assisting them to enrollment

Attending Meetings

  • 1:1s – regular check-ins between team leads and team members to evaluate how things are going, discuss openly about various topics, share feedback, and keep each other in the loop.
  • Weekly Standup – occurs at the beginning of each week. Quick team huddle where everyone briefly shares what their biggest accomplishments were the week prior, highs and lows, feedback and learnings, and what their goals are for the week ahead.
  • Monthly Retro – a safe space for reviewing the month’s successes, identifying opportunities for process improvement, and solving issues that may have come up. Helps teams pause and think about improving future performance.
  • Monthly Kickoffs – hosted by team leadership. The purpose is to create team alignment on what the goals are for the upcoming month and the strategy to get there.
  • Quarterly Kickoff – hosted by company leadership. The purpose is to take a look back on the previous Quarter and create company alignment on the OKRs for the upcoming Quarter.

Metrics Owned:

Since we are a startup company, every Quarter may have different targets we are aiming for. This role requires someone who is flexible and willing to get on board with shifting priorities and goals. For example, in one Quarter, we may focus on increasing our number of enrollments from X → Y, while in the next Quarter, we may focus on strategies for reducing churn.

Ultimately, Childcare Coordinators are responsible for hitting monthly individual enrollment goals. Expectations for new hires is that after their initial onboarding training, they will be set up for success to achieve 5 enrollments within 30 days. Moving forward, individual goals may be adjusted depending on what is needed as a total from the team.
Job Title: Marketplace Childcare Coordinator

Location: Remote

Classification: Full-time

Department: Marketplace

Reporting to: Markeplace Demand Operations Manager

Estimated Start Date: September 2023